Tooth-Colored Fillings – Raleigh, NC

Quick & Effective Restoration for Decayed Teeth

Cavities are one of the most common issues people encounter with their oral health. In the past, this problem was usually resolved by using metal amalgam materials to seal off the compromised enamel. However, our team at Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh can effectively treat cavities and dental decay with tooth-colored fillings! This solution allows you to restore the shape and function of your teeth while effortlessly matching the material to your natural enamel, allowing you to enjoy a more discreet solution to renewing your smile. Keep reading to learn more about this treatment or call us today if you have any questions.

Why Choose Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh for Tooth-Colored Fillings?

  • Dental Material Color-Matched to Your Smile
  • Durable & Natural-Feeling Results
  • Mercury-Free Dental Solution

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

3 D illustration of a tooth colored filling

A tooth-colored filling is a solution made up of composite resin—which consists of very fine particles of acrylic and glass. This substance is designed to bond more effectively with teeth that have been damaged or decayed as well as creating a seal to keep bacteria out. Since this material can be color-matched to fit your dental goals, we can even use this solution to improve the shade and texture of compromised teeth.

The Process of Getting a Tooth-Colored Filling

a patient receiving a tooth colored filling

To receive tooth-colored fillings, you’ll typically expect to undergo the following steps:

  • Numbing and preparation : You’ll first receive a local anesthetic around the area we’ll be working on so that you’re completely pain-free and comfortable during your visit. Our team will then remove any decayed particles and debris from the compromised tooth before sanitizing the area.
  • Sculpting the composite resin : Once we’ve cleaned the cavity, we’ll apply the composite resin to fill and mold the tooth to renew its appearance and function.
  • Using the curing light : A special UV light will be used to harden the resin, allowing it to bond to your tooth successfully.
  • Final adjustments : Our team will verify that your bite is correct and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your results are satisfactory.
  • Renewed smile : After confirming that your restored tooth looks natural and fits correctly, you’ll be sent on your way to enjoy your repaired smile.

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

a patient checking his renewed smile in the mirror

There are many advantages to receiving tooth-colored fillings for addressing cavities and decayed teeth, including:

  • Improved appearance : Not only will the composite resin mimic your natural enamel, but it can also enhance the shade of your teeth if you want to achieve a brighter smile.
  • Tooth preservation : Unlike metal fillings, tooth-colored fillings won’t require as much of your enamel to be removed, meaning you can keep more of your natural tooth.
  • Biocompatible material : Composite resin contains no trace of mercury, meaning it's healthier and safer for your teeth compared to metal amalgam.
  • Cost-effective solution : Dental insurance companies will typically help cover the cost of preventive treatments, like tooth-colored fillings.
  • Durable results : Your tooth-colored fillings can last 10 years or more with proper maintenance.