TMJ Treatment – Raleigh, NC 

Effective TMJ Treatments for Jaw Pain & Tenderness

TMD, also known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is a condition that impacts the joints that connect your jaw to your skull. When these joints and the muscles that surround them carry too much stress, it can result in jaw pain or tenderness, aching around the ear, clicking and popping sounds when you open and close your mouth, and lockjaw. Dr. Ricke offers TMJ treatment in Raleigh, NC, including occlusal adjustments and splints to help minimize your jaw discomfort and allow you to go through your daily life without being deeply impacted by TMD.

Why Choose Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh for TMJ Treatment?

  • We See Patients of All Ages
  • Experienced Dentist
  • Customized Occlusal Guards


Diagnosis & Treatment

Woman in pain before diagnosis and T M J treatment

There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for TMD, and the solution that we’ll suggest will be based off our findings during your examination. We’ll capture X-rays of your mouth and conduct a tactile examination of your jaw joints and muscles. Oftentimes, this condition can be attributed to underlying problems like a misaligned bite, teeth grinding, stress, joint swelling, or inflammation. Fortunately, we offer several customized treatment plans to tackle your discomfort and get you feeling better.

Equilibration / Occlusal Adjustments

Model of skill used to explain T M J equilibration and occlusal adjustment

If your jaw pain, headaches, and tenderness is a result of bite misalignment because your teeth aren’t coming together properly, you may benefit from occlusal adjustment. When certain teeth are closing together before other ones, it could result in significantly more pressure being placed on a certain jaw joint or muscle. To correct this problem, Dr. Ricke can gently shape your teeth so they can come together smoothly—sometimes this can mean only removing a few millimeters of a tooth’s enamel.

Occlusal Guards

Dentist holing a custom occlusal guard

Another solution for TMD discomfort is customized occlusal guards. These are orthopedic devices that you wear in your mouth as you sleep that gently reposition your jaw into its ideal position. This will relieve tension in the muscles and joints as well as protect your teeth from grinding, which could worsen your TMJ pain.

TMJ Treatment FAQs

Does Occlusal Adjustment for TMJ Hurt?

At Lake Boone Dentistry of Raleigh , we prioritize your comfort, no matter what treatment you receive. During occlusal adjustment, Dr. Ricke will use specialized instruments to gently “sand” your teeth in specific areas to relieve the pressure on your TMJ. Some spots may also need reshaping, so composite resin will be used to build up those areas. Some patients find they don’t need any anesthetic for this procedure while others request it. Whatever your preference, Dr. Ricke will accommodate you. Once your procedure is finished, you may also feel some slight discomfort around your reshaped teeth, but it should subside after a few days.

Can TMJ Be Cured Permanently?

On some occasions, the pain that develops due to stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can dissipate on its own. However, if the discomfort grows too intense, professional intervention is often the best way forward. While some treatments on offer at other dental offices are designed to relieve pain, Dr. Ricke believes in using proven methods that can give permanent results. Occlusal guards, adjustments, and equilibration treatments can adjust the way your teeth fit together and provide a more stable environment for your TMJ for long-lasting or even permanent relief.

How Long Does Occlusal Equilibration Take for TMJ?

Equilibration and adjustment treatments often vary in how quickly they can relieve your symptoms. Depending on the specific adjustments that have or need to be made. In general, once the procedure has been completed, most patients feel relief from their TMJ symptoms very quickly.


As for the treatments themselves, it takes a small number of appointments to realize the results fully. In most cases, you can expect two to three sessions for Dr. Ricke to complete the adjustments to your smile. This allows him to treat areas and see the results to make any necessary changes to your teeth or other restorations.


How Long Does It Take for a TMJ Splint to Work?

Occlusal guards are worn to bed every night and most patients will start to feel relief quickly, however, it’s encouraged to continue wearing your device. While the symptoms of your TMJ disorder may fade, the underlying cause may take longer to adjust. In most cases, six weeks is enough to see a marked improvement in jaw stress and oral function, but it generally takes three to six months for an occlusal guard to fully correct the causes of your discomfort.