Preventive Dentistry – Raleigh, NC 

Providing Quality Dentistry for Your Family

Dr. Ricke and his dental team at Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh offer comprehensive preventive dental care, including thorough routine dental checkups and teeth cleanings, nightguards for teeth grinding, and biannual oral cancer screenings to ensure your smile’s health stays on the right track. Our caring dentistry team is happy to see dental patients of all ages, from children to adults, and takes the time to really understand each of your family member’s dental concerns. Keep reading to learn more about your options for preventive dentistry in Raleigh, NC.

Why Choose Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Advanced Digital X-Ray Imaging
  • We See Patients of All Ages
  • Caring & Attentive Dental Team


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman receiving a preventive dentistry checkup and teeth cleaning

The American Dental Association recommends that children, teens, and adults see a dentist for routine checkups and cleanings every six months. During these visits, our team will capture X-rays of the mouth and conduct a thorough visual examination to spot any early signs of common oral health problems like cavities. If we do see any oral issues, we’ll put together a treatment plan to address them and stop them from becoming worse. Finally, one of our friendly dental hygienists will finish off the visit with a thorough cleaning of all plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, leaving your smile feeling refreshed and renewed.


Nightguards for Bruxism

Closeup of dental patient placing a nightguard for bruxism

Bruxism, or the grinding and clenching of your teeth, is a common condition that is estimated to regularly impact 10 percent of the population. It can be a result of stress or underlying orthodontic issues, and when left untreated, it can result in tooth damage, difficulty sleeping, and other problems. We offer customized nightguards that cushion the teeth and jaw joints from the force of clenching and grinding throughout the night, relieving stress and tension in the mouth.


Oral Cancer Screenings

Closeup of dental patient receiving and oral cancer screening

At each of your bi-annual checkups, we’ll conduct a thorough screening of your tongue, throat, neck, and oral tissues in search of any lumps or rough patches, which can be signs of oral cancer. It only takes a couple of minutes, but this routine could be lifesaving. An estimated one person dies each hour from oral cancer, but with the support of Dr. Ricke and our wonderful team at Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh, your risk of being drastically impacted by this disease can be minimized.


Gum Disease Treatment

Man pulling down his lip to show his gums

We may find signs of gum disease while we’re examining your mouth. Some cases of gum disease are more advanced than others, and our recommendation for treatment will depend on your situation. At our office, we can help you manage your gum disease with a deep cleaning procedure known as scaling and root planing; we may also recommend antibiotic treatment to fight the bacteria attacking your gums. You can count on us to put you on the path to better gum health.

Learn More About Gum Disease Treatment