Dental Bonding – Raleigh, NC

Painlessly Repair Cosmetic Flaws

Are you looking for a fast, easy, and comfortable way to address dental flaws like chips, cracks, gaps, or stains? Luckily, our team in Raleigh is equipped to fix these unsightly defects with dental bonding. This cosmetic dental treatment can painlessly cover up damage or change the shape of teeth in minutes during a routine dental appointment with no anesthetic treatments. Read on to learn more about how dental bonding works or contact us online to book a consultation.

Why Choose Lake Boone Dentistry for Dental Bonding?

  • Skilled, Compassionate Dentists
  • Clean and Comfortable Office
  • Affordably Address Dental Flaws in Minutes

What Is Dental Bonding?

Lady smiles at dentist

During a dental bonding procedure, Dr. Ricke or Dr. Sowter will apply a small amount of composite resin, the same material used for tooth-colored fillings, to the flaw in your tooth. Our dentist will then shape this putty-like substance so that it matches the natural curves of your teeth. The color of the resin will be matched to the rest of your smile, and this material is non-toxic and durable enough to withstand the pressures of chewing.

Dental bonding can be used to address issues like:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Stains or discoloration that will not respond to teeth whitening
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • And more

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Bonding?

Lady thinks something over

Almost anyone can be a good candidate for dental bonding, and it’s probably an excellent treatment for you if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have healthy teeth. Any tooth decay or gum disease will have to be treated and resolved before you can receive dental bonding.
  • You are worried about minor cosmetic flaws in your teeth. More severe problems are usually better addressed by more intensive cosmetic treatments.
  • You want to enhance your smile quickly and easily. Dental bonding is incredibly convenient because it can be done in minutes and requires no anesthesia or downtime.

The only way to know for sure if dental bonding is right for you is to have a consultation with one of our expert dentists. We’ll also be happy to perform any restorative work you need to get you to the point where you can receive the treatment.

The Benefits of Dental Bonding

Lady shows beautiful smile

Dental bonding offers many fantastic benefits, including:

  • Completing the process in minutes.
  • Addressing several cosmetic issues at once.
  • Results can last for several years with the appropriate care.
  • Dental bonding can be easily maintained with a normal proper oral hygiene routine.
  • The treatment is painless without anesthesia.
  • Affordably fixing cosmetic flaws in your teeth.
  • Enjoying a more beautiful smile after a single appointment.