Dental Crowns—Raleigh, NC

A New Tooth for a New Smile

When a tooth has developed a large cavity or sizeable crack/chip, the best way to repair it typically involves placing a dental crown over it. At Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh, both of our dentists have literally helped thousands of people with this treatment, enabling countless patients to avoid more involved procedures like an extraction or root canal while greatly improving the look and function of their smiles. If you have one or more teeth in need of some TLC, be sure to reach out to us today.


  • 100% Custom Made for Each Patient
  • Natural-Looking, Long-Lasting Restorations
  • Attentive & Caring Team

What is a Dental Crown?

animated depiction of dental crown

A dental crown can be shaped like any natural tooth, and it is fitted over damaged enamel. This is why they are sometimes colloquially called “caps.” The purpose is to reinforce the tooth, restore its shape, bring balance to the bite, and create an aesthetically attractive smile all at the same time.

The Dental Crown Process

dental technician working on dental crown

Getting a crown usually requires just two appointments. At the first, your dentist will examine your tooth, remove any decayed or weakened enamel (to create enough room for the crown), and then they’ll take an impression of the tooth as well as the few around it. This will be sent to a local dental lab that will design and fabricate your crown. While that is being done, you’ll be fitted with a temporary crown.

About a week or so later, you’ll return to our office to have your temporary crown replaced by your permanent one, which will be firmly bonded with dental cement. After a few final checks to make sure the look and fit are perfect, you’re finished! From there, regular daily hygiene and routine dental checkups can help your crown last for decades to come.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

group of friends eating together in Raleigh
  • Prevents a minor dental problem from becoming a major health concern
  • Stops a chipped or cracked tooth from becoming infected
  • Cheaper, faster, and less invasive than an extraction or root canal
  • Can stop a toothache/extreme sensitivity
  • All-porcelain crowns can create a more symmetrical and beautiful smile
  • Increased confidence
  • Able to align the bite to prevent or resolve TMJ issues
  • Improve a patient’s ability to eat and speak comfortably

Dental Crowns FAQs

Dental crowns offer an effective solution for renewing and strengthening compromised teeth. However, we understand that you may have some concerns or questions about the treatment before committing to anything. Our team wants you to feel comfortable and confident about your decision to undergo the procedure. That’s why we’ve listed some of the most commonly asked questions we get from our patients in Raleigh about dental crowns. If you don’t find the information you’re seeking, feel free to give us a call!

Are Dental Crowns Permanent?

Although they’re durable enough to last many years, they aren’t considered a permanent solution for your smile. Eventually, you’ll need to replace your restoration to continue protecting your tooth. The only “permanent” thing about this treatment is the process of altering a portion of your enamel, which will not grow back by itself over time. Still, as long as you practice proper care, you can expect your dental crown to last well over a decade. Make sure you brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash every day as well as visit your dentist every six months.

What Happens If You Wait Too Long to Get a Dental Crown?

Even if your cavities haven’t started causing any major pain or discomfort, you shouldn’t adopt a “wait-and-see” approach to your oral health problem. Unlike other parts of your body, your teeth will not heal on their own, and any decay or infection will simply spread throughout your mouth if left untreated for too long. To avoid these complications and more, you must see your dentist as soon as possible so they can remove any decayed or damaged particles before covering your tooth with a protective cap.

How Do You Know When a Dental Crown Needs to Be Replaced?

Dental crowns are designed to last many years before needing to be replaced, but you’ll want to keep an eye out for the telltale signs of needing new ones. In many cases, the longevity of your restorations will depend on a variety of factors, including how well you take care of them. Of course, your dentist will also help monitor them during your routine checkups. However, be sure to look out for common symptoms such as pain or discomfort around your dental crown. If your restoration becomes damaged, loose, or even starts to look dark at the base, it’s likely a clear indication that you’ll need to get replacements to maintain the health of your tooth.

Can Dental Crowns Be Whitened?

While your dental crown will look and function like natural teeth, they are still non-porous. This means that you won’t be able to brighten them with bleaching agents in the same way the rest of your smile can. That’s why your dentist will choose the proper color to match your teeth. If you want to enjoy a brighter smile, ask your team if you can whiten your grin before getting your dental crown.