5 Reasons to Pick Tooth-Colored Fillings Over an Amalgam Fillings

March 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 1:08 am
patient visiting dentist for tooth-colored filling

Amalgam fillings have long been trusted for cavity treatment, but their conspicuous appearance and potential discomfort have prompted a move towards more aesthetically pleasing alternatives. Tooth-colored fillings, crafted from composite materials, present an appealing option for those desiring a more natural appearance. This shift signifies a preference for improved aesthetics and recognizes the broader advantages of modern alternatives. Delve into the reasons why opting for tooth-colored fillings is a choice worth exploring.

The Problems with Amalgam Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have employed robust amalgam fillings crafted from a blend of metals including silver, gold, zinc, copper, and mercury. Although renowned for their strength and resilience in addressing tooth decay, these fillings have drawbacks.

Their dark gray hue contrasts noticeably with the smile, and they can sometimes lead to tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. Moreover, apprehensions about the inclusion of mercury in these fillings add to the unease felt by some individuals.

Why Tooth-Colored Fillings Are the Better Option

Opting for tooth-colored fillings brings a host of advantages, bypassing the limitations linked with amalgam fillings. Here are several notable benefits:

  • Natural-looking – Skillfully created, tooth-colored fillings seamlessly integrate with your smile, providing a unique edge over traditional amalgam fillings, as they are practically imperceptible.
  • Better adhesion – Composite materials possess a natural affinity for bonding seamlessly with tooth tissue, simplifying the process of filling placement. Consequently, this allows your dentist to preserve more of your natural tooth structure during the procedure.
  • Restored strength – These fillings are recognized for efficiently restoring nearly all of the natural strength of your teeth.
  • Improved texture – Crafting these fillings to mimic the appearance of a real tooth surface is a simple process, resulting in a more natural and visually appealing outcome.
  • Potentially safer – These fillings are not only free from mercury and other metals that may cause adverse allergic reactions but also have no reported cases of allergic reactions to composite materials.

Whether you’re seeking to upgrade an existing amalgam filling or need a new filling for tooth decay, tooth-colored fillings emerge as a remarkable option. With their aesthetic charm, seamless bonding to tooth tissue, and lack of potentially harmful metals, they establish themselves as a superior choice for rejuvenating compromised smiles. Embrace the blend of beauty and functionality offered by tooth-colored fillings, ensuring your smile receives the care it truly deserves!

About the Practice

At Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh, patient comfort and safety take precedence. The inviting office environment is tailored to cater to patients of all ages, ensuring a delightful experience. They offer services such as tooth-colored fillings to enhance your smile and foster overall dental health. For inquiries about tooth-colored dental fillings or to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out to Lake Boone Dentistry Raleigh’s office at (919) 781-8610 or visit their website.

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