Lake Boone Dentistry Blog

I Chipped My Tooth; Will It Get Better on Its Own?

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 10:14 pm
Man has tooth pain

Chipped teeth are common and seemingly minor dental injuries, but neglecting to have them addressed by a dentist can lead to major complications for your dental health. A chip can be caused by injuries such as those due to falling or teeth grinding. Even though a minor chip can be entirely painless, chipped teeth do not heal on their own and require the attention of a dentist. Here’s why you should see a dentist as soon as possible if one of your teeth is ever chipped.


Should You Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 2:41 am

Female patient with dental pain speaking with dentistIf you suffer a dental emergency, don’t panic! Although you probably never expected it to happen to you, 1 in 6 Americans experience a dental emergency annually. If you’re like many people, your first thought might be to head to the closest hospital, but that may not be the best idea. Here’s why you should skip the ER and contact an emergency dentist.


3 Things You Might Not Appreciate About A Dental Checkup

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 1:22 am
patient talking to a dentist

A lot of the time, it’s hard to get patients excited about dental checkups. They sometimes feel like they’re going through the motions, or like they’re going through some effort for what feels like no tangible benefit.

However, the truth is that there’s a lot more that goes on at a regular checkup than you might be aware of, especially if you haven’t been to one in a while. Here are a few things that happen during your typical dental exam that you might not have keyed in to.


Is It Possible to Get Cavities During Invisalign Treatment?

June 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 9:08 pm
Gloved hand holding dental mirror in patient’s mouth

Are you contemplating the prospect of straightening your teeth with orthodontia? If you choose to get Invisalign, you can look forward to many benefits, such as a beautiful smile and the ability to eat all of your favorite foods. But you may wonder, will Invisalign have any impact on your oral health risks? Is it possible to get cavities during Invisalign treatment? Read this blog post to discover important information.


Are Invisalign Aligners Effective at Fixing Bite Problems?

May 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 10:03 pm
person holding Invisalign aligners

You’ve been living with an overbite for many years, and you’re no longer happy with how it is affecting your confidence, appearance, and ability to eat and sleep comfortably. This misalignment doesn’t have to be your reality anymore though. Can Invisalign fix bite problems? To find out the answer, read on to hear from a trusted dentist who explains why this clear aligner system might be exactly what you need.


5 Reasons Your Dental Visits Are Essential for Your Smile

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 11:50 pm
a man smiling while speaking with his dentist at his checkup

Keeping your smile bright and healthy requires effort. By brushing twice a day and flossing daily, you are helping to keep your teeth and gums in great condition. However, there is another essential part of an oral health routine: visiting your dentist every six months for your checkups and cleaning. By making preventive dental care a top priority, you will not only keep your grin radiant but catch any oral health issues before they become more serious. Read on to learn five reasons why visiting your dentist is so beneficial to you!

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