Why You Need Gum Disease Therapy Before Cosmetic Dental Work

March 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeboonedent @ 2:51 am
person speaking with cosmetic dentist about gum disease therapy

If you’re unhappy with your smile because of problems like chipped or stained teeth, cosmetic dentistry might help. But it’s crucial to fix any oral health issues first, like gum disease. Gum disease therapy is important because it makes sure your teeth have a strong and healthy base for any cosmetic treatments you might want later. Let’s explore why gum disease therapy is necessary before cosmetic dental work.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease often starts from not brushing or flossing enough, causing an infection in the gums. But hormonal changes, health conditions like cancer or HIV, certain medications, smoking, and genetics can also play a part.

In the early stage, called gingivitis, your gums get red and bleed easily when you brush. If left untreated, it can get worse and turn into periodontitis. Plus, the infection can spread through your bloodstream, raising the risk of heart problems or strokes.

How Gum Disease Can Impact the Look of Your Smile

Periodontitis can lead to gums pulling away from teeth, bleeding often, and looking red and swollen. This can make teeth seem bigger because more of their enamel shows. Also, as gums and bone move away from teeth, small spaces form, trapping food and causing infections. If left untreated, it can eventually make teeth fall out because they’re not held securely anymore.

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Before undergoing cosmetic dental procedures, it’s crucial to treat gum disease to prevent tooth loss and other health issues. Scaling and root planing are effective treatments for gum disease. Scaling removes bacteria and plaque from the gums, while root planing smooths tooth roots to prevent future plaque buildup.

Ensuring your gums and teeth are in good health is essential before considering cosmetic dental procedures. By promptly treating gum disease, you can prevent further complications and create a better foundation for cosmetic treatments. With the right care, you can achieve a radiant smile you’ll be proud to show off!

About the Practice

Patient comfort and safety are paramount at Lake Boone Dentistry of Raleigh, where we prioritize providing a welcoming environment for patients of all ages. Our expertise lies in treating gum disease, offering advanced techniques such as scaling and root planing, antibiotic therapies, and soft tissue laser treatments to effectively eliminate infections. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our gum disease treatments, contact Lake Boone Dentistry of Raleigh at (919) 781-8610 or visit our website.

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